Charles' Thoughts on the SPO vs. MPO contraversy (Twitter Space - 2/5/2021)
Fragment transcription: Credits to Anthony, member of Stakeboard team [...] Yeah, you know Tim and Ben have been trying to work really closely with the community and, you know, my hope is that the community can also form guilds that represent the interests of state pool operators. And you know, it's difficult because this is social choice theory. I mean, people are making decisions and the question is, can you incentivize decisions at a particular direction that we would argue is is better. So let's say, well, our goal is lots of small pools, so that, OK, that's decentralization. Well, is that better than lots of large pools? Or is that better than a collection of federated pools? Well, you know, It depends on what network topology you're looking for: the quality of service, the transaction costs, the fee structure that you want – these kinds of things. So what I can do i...